Solve Error 413 Request Entity Too Large
What does 413 Request Entity Too Large mean? This is a server side error which happens when you send a big request to your server which is more than it could possibly handle so it throws this error 413 Request Entity Too Large. What are the reasons for 413 Request Entity Too Large Error? There […]
Build professional WordPress site in just 2 hours
In this series I will take you in a journey to create your own professional WordPress site even without any previous development knowledge. Imagine you can choose your own hosting company, installing WordPress, Choosing WordPress Theme and at last Install required plugins till making site live, Amazing, isn’t it?! Conclusion We tried to explain how […]
WordPress performance tips, how to make WordPress faster
WordPress Performance is a hot topic to talk about and there are companies based on this concept delivering WordPress plugins. We talked before about the criteria of choosing WordPress theme, and one of those criteria was: Fast, performant theme: Why do I need to make WordPress performance better? Customer retention As a customer, I hate […]
Install WordPress from cPanel (step by step guide)
Before digging into install WordPress from cPanel, Firstly let’s discover why do we need WordPress. WordPress features: The most popular content management system (CMS), therefore you will find themes, plugins and widgets (free or paid) easily for your site. Has a big community behind it, Therefore it will last for long time. Developed using PHP […]
How to choose WordPress theme for new site?
WordPress Theme, only two words but I’m pretty sure that as a beginner WordPress developer or site owner you have been overwhelmed by the number of marketplaces and sites that are selling WordPress Themes and in some cases all what you need is free theme! When do you need to choose a new WordPress theme? […]